Weight Scales are your Friends

Dieting? Try Something New – Freedom Diet

Freedom to live a life worth living, healthy and active and free from a boring, self-defeating diet. This is the mission of Freedom Diet.

Revel in your successes—don’t fret over setbacks. Discover what is possible when the weight falls off. That first feeling you get from comfortably fitting into your holdover skinny clothes is exhilarating.

Enjoy your new path. Explore your humanity with a body that advances you forward through a world of fulfillment, entertainment and opportunity. Serenity, nirvana, or basic happiness, nothing less than total self-actualization is on the line.

Okay, Humor Helps Too

Hey, the Freedom Diet is serious – an effective wellness tool. I just had to make it fun and entertaining to lose 50 pounds.

It took a techie, geeky analyst to document the logical ‘lessons learned’ from my success and you can lose 50 pounds. But only after my creative writer-self emerged, did I learn how best to share my discoveries.

That’s a reminder to me. And a promise not to bore you to death before you discover your true potential . . .  and lose 50 pounds!

Category Kickoff for Tips & Tricks

After the blogs get rolling, I’ll list tips and tricks in a table for easy reference. It’s in my geeky nature to do that. Meanwhile, just look for interesting titles and topics and images for fun stuff that will get you going.

Weight Scales are Your Friends

One option is to never weigh yourself. If you’re so secure in your lifestyle and the universe acknowledges same, then you have achieved Freedom Diet nirvana.

Another option is to make your weigh-ins something you look forward to doing. Seriously, I could not wait to jump on the scales.

The trick for me was to associate the scales to an important element—exercise. And in my case the gym. Here’s what worked for me.

Tips & Tricks: Weigh-In at the Gym

I didn’t own bathroom scales and really got a kick out of weighing in—after my workout—at the gym. The triple-beam scales typically showed a loss of a quarter pound a day. But when it didn’t, no sweat. Because I had just worked out and sweat a bunch!

When you achieve cognitive diet freedom—I’ll explain later—you know you’ve lost or maintained and want to memorialize it via weight scales.

Other Options

Of course, you can decide other routines or non-routines. Now, I have killer LED scales and weigh myself once in the morning and whenever I’m curious.

Running in the summer heat of Houston taught me you cold lose 4 or 5 pounds of water weight running. While doing a combo of Atkins and Keto, I learned that bananas kept me from cramping but every day I ate a banana, I maintained rather than lost a quarter pound of weight. Side note: if it hurts when you do something, stop doing it! Therefore, I ate half a banana and froze the rest.

Told you Freedom Diet was flex… and entertaining.

Wishing you fun and success. More soon!

— Edward Draper