Keto Category Kickoff

Keto-Friendly Recipes

Freedom to live a life worth living, healthy and active and free from a boring, self-defeating diet. That’s the mission of Freedom Diet. Keto-friendly recipes are good tools to have in any toolbox. 

About Store Brands

Freedom Diet is not about branding, but I live in a huge city—Houston. Lived in other big cities—Washington and Philadelphia. And learned how to shop, work, play, etc. no matter the commute and activity load.

While in D.C., one long reverse commute took me from the urban center out to Northern Virginia. My office was practically in a Costco parking lot! So, I quickly learned the virtues of bulk buying. Damn, those batteries are cheap, but you need to have adequate storage.

‘Houston, we have a Costco option.’ I prefer HEB and Trader Joes. Whole Foods is fine but expensive—everyone knows that. Soon, I’ll be able to walk to a new store in Midtown so foot-power transportation will find me there more often.   

Farmers’ Markets

Does anyone know what a real farm-grown tomato taste like? Heavenly! Cherry tomatoes are the best I can do inside the Loop but farmers’ markets and cooperatives provide tasty options. I may have my first good peach ripening in a paper bag. Wish me luck.

I wish Farmers’ Markets were accessible daily. Why not—Texas has Farm-to-Market roadways with ‘FM’ prefix numbering like FM 1960 is a major thoroughfare on Houston’s northside. And I wish Sprout’s was closer and it was faster to take the train downtown to the Phoenicia specialty store. Umm.

Keto Recipes

Okay, enough about sources. Let’s talk recipes, starting with my favorite from this week. I tend to fix dishes that last in the frig for a few days and try to have one fresh side dish. Today: Stuffed chicken medallions and julienne cut veggies.

Stuffed Chicken Medallions

Any skinless chicken works. Shop around for the best price as regular. Slow cook the chicken in water or broth and add Italian or other spices.

Chicken: While the chicken cooks, chop a few ounces of veggies—suggestions: broccoli florets, peppers of choice, and onions of choice. Steam separately. Brussel sprouts work well too in place of broccoli. Both have a strong taste so you can use a minimal amount to flavor the chicken.

Adds: I always seem to add cheese, so add to your taste or not. More about cheese options in another blog. Cherry tomatoes are a common addition for color, taste and nutrients. Other options: peppers and olives.

Hint: tomatoes of all varieties are tastier when cooked

It’s not always easy to form the chicken around the veggie stuffing but it’s always fun to try!

Julienne Cut Veggies Salad

Ready-to-eat veggie combo options are perfect for a side dish. To keep sugar to a minimum, I advise you make your own dressing.

Veggies: Broccoli-carrot-cabbage slaw is a favorite, washed and ready to eat. Use Brussel sprouts in the chicken dish to avoid duplication. Working from scratch? Use florets in the main dish and julienne a stalk for the salad.

Additions: Add any or all to taste from: walnuts, crushed; pumpkin seeds; raisins or dried cranberries, cut, just a few. Other options: sugar-free pickle pieces, thin-sliced cucumber, and mini-sliced cherry tomatoes.

Health Special: I like to add flax seed meal to almost every salad. Pepper to taste.

Protein Option: One fine-chopped boiled egg or for the chicken dish, slices of a boiled egg.

Dressing: It’s hard to beat olive oil and red wine vinegar for a no-sugar option. Add or not: Italian seasoning, pepper, a dollop of fancy mustard.

Hope I can categorize in more details as the blog grows. Advice and comments appreciated.

Bon appetite!

— Edward Draper