
Tamarie for President has my vote

The walk over to Main Street was a hot one and the sun still clipped the breezeway when we arrived at MATCH in Midtown. Thank heavens for those big honking industrial ceiling fans spinning high above the corridor in the late day heat. We stepped into shade and talked with friends about the quality venue MATCH affords theatre and film productions. All agreed that everything about MATCH is highly professional from lighting and staging to seating, the list went on and on.

I was there to see the Catastrophic Theatre preview performance of Tamarie for President (Greatest Hits Vol. 2) on stage at MATCH through August 6. The musical performance was maybe the funniest parade of skits ever conceived in Houston. Tamarie Cooper, the writer, director and choreographer, and the troupe at Catastrophic Theatre put on a show for the ages – all ages that is. Everyone will get laughs from musical numbers that cover things present and past from social media trolls to sex play with Barbie Dolls to what it means to be born again in Texas.

Nothing is sacred in this musical except maybe the larger-than-life animated turkey at Thanksgiving. Kyle Sturdivant is always funny, clever and expressive and excelled as the wittiest, turkiest turkey on stage anywhere, ever. And there are several surprises. Tamarie has a near-death encounter before intermission. No, Tamarie doesn’t die on stage dancing but she does have a comical run-in with a very funny sickle-totting Death in a shroud (Kelsey Busboom). Scared me… at how hard I laughed.

A very tall Walt Zipprian connects with the audience during Tamarie for President performed by Catastrophic Theatre
Walt Zipprian confronts Tamarie

Walt Zipprian and Greg Dean’s performances as Tamarie’s civil but determined political adversaries were both vote worthy. It was easy to see how Greg earned the Best actor, Houston Press Theatre Awards 2015 as Quasimodo. And Walt boomed forcefully across the room, connecting with some of the funniest rationale and commentaries all the way to the end. He bid us adieu by announcing it’s time for a drink – and a smoke.
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Ken Hoge, accomplished photographer and art critic, and I laughed a lot afterwards recounting favorite moments from Tamarie for President. We also were amused at Walt’s brief bio in the playbill, simply:

Walt Zipprian (Walt) is glad to be back.

Ken posted:

“Laughed so hard and long (I said hard and long) at Catastrophic Theater’s University of Tamarie last night. What was this, the 18th annual Tamalalia? No Hip Houstonian should miss it. Great to see Walt Zipprian return to the boards as Tamarie Cooper’s foil.”

Yes, Walt, we’re thrilled you’re back!

~ Edward Draper


Writer-Producer-Creator... Author: "Who Iced Santa," and "Generation Justice: Red Clover"... Screenwriter: "Recharge" and "Martianity." Film projects are in pre-production. More after launch.

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