
Heavy rain transforms Memorial Park

swampy area in Memorial Park wetlands expand after heavy rain and attract water birds
Memorial Park wetland expands after heavy rain

Memorial Park continually surprises me, even after hundreds of visits, like after the last flood when much of the park was a swamp. I was enjoying a great walk and having one hell of a reflective, mindful journey, fully absorbed, when something unusual redirected my attention to the glistening marshy water beside the main trail. It was a bird, a heron or maybe an egret – I don’t know what it was but my new feathered friend was kind enough to pose for a quick pic for sharing as long as I didn’t intrude too much… So someone please tell me.


Birds are so cool. No one on the run path noticed the graceful creature. I stopped and the stunning black, gray and white stately avian was a beacon to anyone with peripheral vision. But not even a dog bothered to bark or attempt to pull away on leash. I guess like the trail walkers, the dogs were transformed into thought mode, too.

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Man walks dogs down park trail
Dogs on leashes ignore nearby birds


~ Edward Draper ~


Writer-Producer-Creator... Author: "Who Iced Santa," and "Generation Justice: Red Clover"... Screenwriter: "Recharge" and "Martianity." Film projects are in pre-production. More after launch.

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